Now the largest Hackintoshing resource on the web, this is the home of iBoot, Unibeast, Multibeast, and other tonymacx86 tools. These apps make installing Mac OS X on a PC reasonably easy, while still supporting a wide range of hardware. All downloads require you to register an account on the website. The forum is only for discussion of tonymacx86 tools.
A go-to place for Hackintosh downloads. Check it out if you can't find the right driver or software for your Hackintosh in Multibeast. All downloads require you to register an account on the website. The HackintoshOSX forum doesn't allow for discussion of tonymacx86 tools (blame this on forum drama).
A go-to place for Hackintosh downloads. Check it out if you can't find the right driver or software for your Hackintosh in Multibeast. All downloads require you to register an account on the website. The HackintoshOSX forum doesn't allow for discussion of tonymacx86 tools (blame this on forum drama).

A veteran Hackintoshing forum. Most of the resources on InsanelyMac aren't particularly newbie-friendly, but overall, it's still a good source of Hackintoshing information. Like OSx86, the InsanelyMac forum doesn't allow for discussion of tonymacx86 tools.

One of the oldest and best-known wikis on the Hackintoshing scene. It's a decent source to check whether your computer will work with Mac OS X, although it's not as updated as it used to be.
A useful help resource. Unlike the other websites listed on this page, /r/Hackintosh is a third party subreddit that avoids the politics of the Hackintosh scene. Go here to get help, ask for advice, and keep up with the Hackintosh news, all from a neutral user-driven community.